URGENCE civique :
Benoît Quennedey en garde à vue !

Ce soir ( 26 novembre) à 20h30 à la librairie, nous donnerons une conférence de presse improvisée pour informer et mobiliser ses amis, camarades et sympathisants.
éditeur de Benoît Quennedey (éditions Delga)
Tonight, 20:30, press point at the bookshop Tropiques, 63 rue Raymond Losserand 75014 Paris, following the search of the home of Benoît Quennedey, president of the Association of Franco-Korean friendship (AAFC).
At present, he is still in custody, which can be extended from 24h to 24h. We will know tonight around 21h if custody is extended.
Benoît Quennedey was arrested at his home in Paris yesterday evening, on the grounds of "collecting and delivering information to a foreign power likely to harm the interests of the nation".
I am waiting for someone to explain to me what kind of information a member of the Senate Architecture Committee could hold.
I must say that Benoît Quennedey has always campaigned for friendship between peoples, starting with the two Koreas, then between them and ours. The association he chairs was founded in 1969.
I had the honor to publish recently his latest book "North Korea unknown" (Delga editions, 2017) and I can guarantee that Mr. Quennedey puts all his skills to bring non-confidential information about North Korea but little impact on the media and very useful, however, to improve the knowledge of this part of the world.
Keeping myself at your disposal for more information,
publisher of Benoît Quennedey (éditions Delga)